TSP: 872670161 TSP Name: ENABLE GAS TRANSMISSION, LLC Notice Description: Not a critical notice Notice Effective Date: 08/01/2013 Notice Effective Time: 09:00 Notice End Date: 00/00/0000 Notice End Time: 00:00 Notice Identifier: 1358 Notice Status Description: Initiate Notice Type: Waste Heat Posting Date/Time: 08/01/2013 13:26 Required Response Indicator Description: No response required Response Date: Response Time: Subject: ENABLE WASTE HEAT Notice Text: Enable Gas Transmission Waste Heat Notice Many natural gas pipeline companies utilize large gas turbines to power the transportation of natural gas to their customers. The hot exhaust gas from these turbines has generally been vented to the atmosphere as waste heat . Recovering the heat produced by these machines and using this energy to generate electricity where feasible is a way to promote increased energy efficiency and reduce green house gas emissions. Pipeline companies with facilities in the United States, in concert with the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America, have considered ways of expediting the development process for compressor stations waste heat recovery projects. As a result of these considerations, a number of pipeline companies, including EGT, have agreed to identify on a voluntary basis gas turbine compressor stations on their systems that: (1) Have a total gas turbine station capacity of at least 15,000 hp; and (2) Operated at or more than 5,250 hours per year (60 percent load factor) over the previous 12 months. EGT currently has the following gas turbine compressor stations that meet the above criteria: Panola Station, Vernon Station and Westdale Station. For more information please contact Brad Goodwin at (318) 429-2712.