Date Requested: Jul 26 2024 9:42 PM

FGT Transactional Reporting Firm

TSP Name: Florida Gas Transmission (TSP: 006924518)

Gas Day: 12/04/2023

K Holder Name K Holder Affil Ind Svc Req K K Qty-K K Beg Date K End Date K Ent Beg Date K Ent Beg Date K Ent End Date K Ent End Date Rate ID Max Trf Rate Ref Rate Charged Surchg Ind Ngtd Rate Ind Loc/QTI Loc Name Loc Loc Zn K Qty-Loc Rpt Lvl Rate Sch Res Rate Basis Rate Form/Type Seasnl St Seasnl End Terms / Notes K Stat Amend Rptg Post Date Post Time

Comments and Notes:

New or amended contracts effective for tomorrow's gas day that are executed after 12:30 PM (CCT) will be reported on the next day's posting.
Posting for amendment to contract shows only the items changed.
Refer to Index Of Customers for additional contract quantity data.
Refer to Rate Matrix to determine the applicable maximum rates.
New contracts where a point is identified with zero quantity indicate that there is a volume effective in the future. Refer to Index Of Customers for additional point quantity data.
Please download this document to print on a legal-sized paper and landscape page settings.

K Holder Name - Contract Holder Name

K Holder - Contract Holder

Affil Ind - Affiliate Indicator

Svc Req K - Service Requester Contract

K Qty-K - Firm Contract Quantity

K Beg Date - Contract Begin Date

K End Date - Contract End Date

K Ent Beg Date - Contract Entered Begin Date

K Ent Beg Date - Contract Entered Begin Time

K Ent End Date - Contract Entered End Date

K Ent End Date - Contract Entered End Time

Rate ID - Rate ID
COM - Commodity
RES - Reservation

Max Trf Rate Ref - Maximum Tariff Rate Reference
T - Tariff

Rate Charged - Rate Charged

Surchg Ind - Surcharge Indicator
1 - Rate(s) stated include all applicable surcharges; no surcharge detail or surcharge total provided

Ngtd Rate Ind - Negotiated Rate Indicator

Loc/QTI - Location Quantity Type Indicator
1 - Receipt point(s) quantity
2 - Delivery point(s) quantity

Loc Name - Location Name

Loc - Location

Loc Zn - Location Zone

K Qty-Loc - Location Zone

Rpt Lvl - Report Level
K - Contract
P - Point

Rate Sch - Rate Schedule

Res Rate Basis - Reservation Rate Basis

Rate Form/Type - Rate Form/Type
1 - Reservation Charge Only
2 - Volumetric Charge Only

Seasnl St - Seasonal Start

Seasnl End - Seasonal End

Terms / Notes - Terms/Notes

K Stat - Contract Status
A - Amended
C - Corrected/Updated
N - New

Amend Rptg - Amendment Reporting
A - All Data
C - Changes Only

Post Date - Posting Date

Post Time - Posting Time