TSP: 006968077 TSP Name: ENABLE MISSISSIPPI RIVER TRANSMISSION, LLC Critical Notice Description: Critical notice Notice Effective Date: 02/01/2025 Notice Effective Time: 09:00 Notice End Date: 02/06/2025 Notice End Time: 09:00 Notice Identifier: 5155 Notice Status Description: Initiate Notice Type: Operational Alert Posting Date/Time: 01/30/2025 15:02 Required Response Indicator Description: No response required Response Date: Response Time: Subject: LONG POSITION SPW Notice Text: Due to the potential negative impact of significant shipper long imbalance positions on MRT storage operations, MRT is issuing a System Protection Warning (SPW) effective 9:00 a.m. Saturday, February 1st, 2025, and continuing until 9:00 a.m. Thursday, February 6th, 2025. During this time: 1) Shippers should avoid daily long imbalance positions. 2) Shippers with Firm Storage will be limited to their counter season maximum injection entitlement. 3) MRT may not schedule any nominations that result in a daily long position. 4) MRT may not accept any makeup of short positions. Failure to comply with this SPW may result in the issuance of an OFO. Nominations will be confirmed and scheduled in accordance with MRT s Tariff. This SPW will be updated as more information becomes available. If you have any questions concerning this SPW, please contact your Scheduling representative. For a more readable version of this document click Here